Dragon Goes Wild
I will be participating in the Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Day Wild event, to try and do something ‘wild’ every day in June. I enjoyed #30DaysWild so much, I’ve decided to try and extend that to #365DaysWild.
I set myself a challenge in Spring 2019 to take a cloud photo each day, to show how many different looks a cloudy sky can have! I haven’t quite managed a cloud photo every day yet, but I’m still aiming to do a 365 Days Wild challenge with a photo of something ‘wild’ every day.
Dragon Does Lush
I first was introduced to Lush by a family friend who sent me a bubble bar for my birthday a couple of years ago. Up to that point, Lush was always just “that smelly shop” I went past, which tended to make me sneeze during hayfever season.
However, I was intrigued by this bubble bar and looked on their website to find out how I was meant to use it. I ventured into the shop for the first time, realising that it didn’t smell quite so overpowering once you walked through the doors.
Since then, I’ve tried a lot of their different products, and decided to review them on my blog…. the reviews are taking over my original blog, so I’ve moved them all over here so they can be in a blog of their own!
I do have quite sensitive skin and have eczema on my hands and wrists, so although some of the creams may not suit me, there’s nothing to say they won’t suit you! You can always ask in the shop for a tester pot of a cream to take away, if you want to make sure your skin gets on with it before spending out on a larger pot.
Sometimes a bubble bar, shampoo or shower jelly might be a bit reluctant to froth up for me – I live in a “very hard water” area, so if you live somewhere with “soft” water, you will find it froths up a lot easier.
To find the Dragon does Lush posts, you can click the “Dragon does Lush” link at the top.
All views are my own – I do not work for, nor am I affiliated with Lush.