Mobbed by seagulls
I’m not 100% certain what bird this is – it looks like it should be a bird of prey, but there were varying suggestions from an Osprey to a pale-form Buzzard. The head colour, tail length and wing markings made me think maybe it wasn’t a Buzzard, but it wasn’t near enough to the coast to make…
Birds of Prey once more
Mum shouted from the garden that she’d seen a lot of birds of prey circling, but by the time I got my camera ready, they’d flown out of sight. I did however manage to get some blurred photos of one bird: It’s not really close enough to tell, but it could be a Peregrine Falcon although some…
Another Bird of Prey
I always wonder how birds manage to fly so easily when there’s a strong breeze, and today was no exception! I spotted a bird of prey circling and took a few photos, but it was so far away and moving so quickly, you couldn’t identify the type of bird. An hour or two later, I spotted another…
Bird of Prey – not sure which one
I’m not 100% certain what bird of prey this is. I had thought it was a Buzzard, but the wing tips aren’t held out like ‘fingers’ in quite the same way. I’ve lightened the photos to see a bit more of the colouring, and it is looking quite Buzzard-like, although it was quite a distance…
Sparrowhawk or Kestrel?
Spotting this bird circling reasonably high, I took a few photos thinking it was the local Buzzard…. but when I got the photos onto the computer, it was quite clear that the tail is considerably longer than a Buzzard’s. So just what is this bird? I asked on the RSPB community “identify this” forum, and was…
Let’s Go Fly a Kite
Someone had mentioned on Twitter that a Red Kite had been spotted a few miles from here several days ago. I don’t know much about Kites, but the local Buzzards seems to have a wide ranging territory, so I’d hoped to take a walk in that general direction at some point, to see if I could…