Looking up….
….although if pigeons are flying overhead, I don’t know that I would want to look up at quite that point in time! These two pigeons didn’t want to hang around for long, but I was quite pleased I was able to get a photo as they flew past. #30dayswild
Low Flying Pigeons
If you take a walk through the city centre, you’re most likely to get an encounter with one of the pigeons. I’ve never understood why, but they seem to enjoy taking off and flying very close to people’s heads before heading to the roof of the nearby shops. #30dayswild
Duck! ….No, Pigeons
There must have been at least 30 pigeons sitting on the grass, and I thought it’d make a great action shot. The pigeons however, had other ideas, content to sit eating while I took photos of them. As I went to walk away, they suddenly all took off, flying over my head to a nearby roof, which…