Bathing Robin
Not to be outdone by the Blackbird, the Robin came for a bath today – I didn’t think it was possible, but the Robin splashed more water out of the bath than the Blackbird did! #staywild
Splish Splash, Robin’s taking a bath
The local Robin
The neighbourhood robin has made an appearance again. Not content with just flying down onto the grass while it’s being cut (you need eyes in the back of your head to make sure he stays safe!), he’s been checking over the other gardens for some tasty insects. I’m assuming he has a family to feed,…
When the Robin seemed to pose for a photo, I asked a relative to guess what it was perched on. Can you guess? …. …. …. I bet you didn’t guess it was perched on the top of a street light column? #30dayswild
Soggy Robin
It’s not just the blackbird that likes to have an enthusiastic wash in the bird bath – the robin is equally keen, although it does prefer to have a wash while it’s raining! I didn’t spot the robin in the bath, but he flew into the Quince to dry off…. judging by how wet he…