Category: Lush

  • Mask of Magnaminty

    Mask of Magnaminty

    I wanted to treat my skin to something, and Mask of Magnaminty sounded like just the thing. It has quite a dark green colour, and a very strong but pleasant peppermint scent. It doesn’t have to be kept in the fridge, which is a bonus and has a “best used by” date of approximately three months, which is definitely…

  • Montalbano


    I don’t know about you, but whenever I use a liquid shampoo I always seem to use too much! It then takes forever to rinse out, or even worse, feels like it’s still stuck in your hair after rinsing. And of course then you also get through it a lot faster as well. With the…

  • Whoosh Shower Jelly

    Whoosh Shower Jelly

    You know those days when nothing seems to go right? You pick up the packet of cereal from the cupboard and knock three things off the shelf in the process, or go to pick up the bar of soap and keep dropping it into the sink? Well after one of those days, I decided I…

  • Ceridwen’s Cauldron

    Ceridwen’s Cauldron

    Chatting to a friend about my latest Lush purchase, it transpired that she is also hooked on Lush products. She recommended I had a look at Ceridwens Cauldron next time I was in the store, but my first thought was “how on earth do I pronounce that to ask for it?!” When the staff member asked if there…

  • Lush Charity Pot

    Lush Charity Pot

    My skin can be terrible at times, the backs of my hands all red raw, then cracked split and bleeding. After an unfortunate experience with a recommended over-the-counter cream which made my skin feel like it was burning, I’ve been understandably wary of trying a new hand cream. I spotted the Charity Pot on the counter in my…