Tag: House Sparrow

  • Goldfinch Party

    While the sparrows were fighting over the bird bath, the Goldfinch decided to make the most of the seed feeder. These seeds weren’t the success were were lead to believe they would be – it seems that the Goldfinches don’t really think of them as such a treat after all. This bird made them seem so…

  • The Return of the Sparrows

    To be fair the sparrows haven’t really gone, but they are strangely illusive – one minute the garden seems crammed full with them, the next it’s eerily quiet. Most of the birds seemed keen on eating some of the seed heads on the plants, while these few decided that perching on the plant supports would…

  • Soggy Sparrow in the Saucer

    The sparrows have returned again, not only for food, but also for a bath! Three sparrows were in the main bird bath, so this clever youngster decided to have a bath all to itself in the plant saucer instead. #30dayswild

  • Post the food in here!

    The House Sparrow families are back again! Bringing a few youngsters with them, they landed in the plants in the garden, swooping down to the wall where we’d left some food for them. The young sparrows still haven’t got the hang of feeding themselves yet – they sit near the food with quivering wings and…

  • A Quarrel of Sparrows

    A Quarrel of Sparrows

    The House Sparrows are out in force at the moment – you merely need to walk past the shrubs and you can hear them all chirping! Spotting them isn’t the easiest of pastimes though, as they like to sit in the middle of the bushes. These few, however, decided that the phone lines would be preferable…

  • Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp

    Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp

    The RSPB aren’t joking when they describe House Sparrows as “Noisy and gregarious [fond of company]” – a loud chirping made me look out of the window, where I could see one adult House Sparrow sitting in the Quince. This bird was chirping to what I’m guessing was a young sparrow sitting on the wall; just…