Tag: cloudscapes

  • Ominous Clouds

    Ominous clouds were brewing, although they did pass by quite quickly. And we were left with an oddly silver glow to the clouds as the sunlight tried to break through. #30dayswild

  • Rippled Clouds

    A couple more cloudscapes today, taken after the rain had passed through. #30dayswild

  • Bright Blue Skies

    A complete contrast to yesterday’s grey, murky weather – today was really warm with clear blue skies! You wouldn’t think that was taken less than 24 hours after yesterday’s photo, would you? #30dayswild

  • Blue Skies and Fluffy White Contrails

    Blue Skies and Fluffy White Contrails

    ….and a few white clouds as well. If someone was to paint a sky like this, invariably somebody else would claim “you’d never get a sky looking like that”! #30dayswild

  • 30 Days Wild – 30th April

    Another cloudscape for today – this one was a particularly dark cloud that was heading from the north west. No sooner had we spotted the cloud, there was a very bright flash of lightning and an incredibly loud rumble of thunder. The local nesting birds seemed to take it all in their stride, but we were…