With a name like Refresher, I had high hopes for this shower jelly, and I wasn’t disappointed. The lemony scent catches your attention as you unscrew the lid, and leaves you with a delicate lemon aroma on your skin.
Whereas the Whoosh jelly seemed quite moist and seemed to melt a bit in the pot when it got near the end, Refresher was drier while still perfectly wobbly and jelly-like. I cut a slice from the top to use in the shower, and to ensure the rest of the jelly didn’t get wet, stored the remainder in a clean black Lush pot.
I haven’t tried putting the shower jelly into the fridge (or freezer), but even without that blast of cold, it seems nicely refreshing. It lathers up really well (even better than Whoosh), as seems quite gentle, as it hasn’t aggravated my skin at all.
Overall, this is a great shower jelly. Providing you don’t get the entire thing too wet (cutting a slice from it works better than using the whole thing each time, and makes it less likely to drop into the bath!), it should last a nice long time, so the £6.95 for 240g seems reasonably good value for money.