Category: Dragon Goes Wild

  • 30 Days Wild – starting soon!

    There’s only a few days left in May, which means that 30 Days Wild will start very soon! Organised by The Wildlife Trusts, the aim is to get people doing something wild every day in June. When you sign up, you get sent a pack (either in the post or by email) which includes a pack of…

  • Aerobatics

      Looking out of the window today, I spotted a few small birds flying over the trees. Instead of just flying in a straight line like the crows do, these were swooping, diving, circling and generally putting on an aerobatic display. It was incredibly difficult to get a photo of them, so this is one I…

  • Wild Webcam Watching

    I spent a while watching the Peregrine Falcon webcam today – set up by the Hawk and Owl Trust as part of their Urban Peregrine Project, this particular webcam is focussed on a nest box on St John’s Church in the centre of Bath. There are currently three falcon chicks, who look totally different to the adult birds…

  • Early Moon Rise

    I still find it strange to see the moon in daylight hours, but according to Metcheck, there’s plenty of daylight hour moon rises to come, as we get closer to the next full moon. Today’s moon is apparently a Waxing Crescent – don’t ask me to explain why it’s called that, but it’s the kind of moon…

  • Shouting Youngsters

    There was a strange shouting noise coming from outside today – it sounded like a bird that hadn’t quite learnt how to shout “properly”! There were quite a few Starlings about, and this little guy, that I’m assuming is a youngster – old enough to peck at the grass, but not old enough to quite…

  • Let’s Go Fly a Kite

    Someone had mentioned on Twitter that a Red Kite had been spotted a few miles from here several days ago. I don’t know much about Kites, but the local Buzzards seems to have a wide ranging territory, so I’d hoped to take a walk in that general direction at some point, to see if I could…

  • 30 Days Wild – 4th May

    Walking from the city centre, you pass a lot of busy roads with the inevitable traffic jams. But hidden away in a side road, you can find some fantastically bright tree blossom. This particular tree caught the sunlight as we walked past, and as it’s on a particularly steep hill, it was a good excuse to stop and admire the tree blossom…

  • 30 Days Wild – 30th April

    Another cloudscape for today – this one was a particularly dark cloud that was heading from the north west. No sooner had we spotted the cloud, there was a very bright flash of lightning and an incredibly loud rumble of thunder. The local nesting birds seemed to take it all in their stride, but we were…

  • 30 Days Wild – day 2 (15/4)

    The weather wasn’t all that great today, drizzly rain, heavy rain, and lots of clouds. But that didn’t stop the local Buzzard from making an appearance. This time I wasn’t able to see the bird, but I did hear it – the unmistakable screeching call as it soars effortlessly over the fields. There’s a pair of Buzzards…

  • 30 Days Wild – day 1 (14/4)

    #30dayswild has been organised by the Wildlife Trusts, to try and get as many people connecting with nature during the month of June. To see if I can achieve blogging about that every day for a month, I decided to have a test run starting today! 14th April I heard an bird outside that I didn’t…