Category: Dragon Goes Wild

  • Flight of the Bumblebee

    Flight of the Bumblebee

    It’s no coincidence that the music called “Flight of the Bumblebee” is so fast paced – no sooner had I focused the camera on the bee, than it flew off again! Once I got the hang of focusing the camera on the flower however, I was able to get some surprisingly clear photos of the bee gathering nectar.…

  • Synchronised…. sunbathing?

    Synchronised…. sunbathing?

    For a few years now, a local Blackbird has come into the garden and flopped onto the grass for some sunbathing – it’s not something I’ve ever understood, but the Blackbird seems to adore it. However, it’s not something I’ve ever seen any other birds doing…. until today. Two crows seemed to be sunbathing on the…

  • Goldfinch on the web?

    Goldfinch on the web?

    I’ll be honest with you – today hasn’t been the most positive of days. So not feeling that I wanted to get outside for my something wild today, I stood by the window and watched the birds. One in particular caught my eye, sitting on a nearby piece of guttering. Normally you’d see Magpies leaning into…

  • Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp

    Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp

    The RSPB aren’t joking when they describe House Sparrows as “Noisy and gregarious [fond of company]” – a loud chirping made me look out of the window, where I could see one adult House Sparrow sitting in the Quince. This bird was chirping to what I’m guessing was a young sparrow sitting on the wall; just…

  • A tasty little snack

    A tasty little snack

    Have you ever stopped to look closely at a snail eating a leaf? I certainly haven’t ever done that before, but when I saw this snail sitting on the patio, it was fascinating to see it munching slowly through a fallen leaf. I know that snails aren’t considered ‘friends’ in a garden, given that they…

  • Creeping over the wall

    Creeping over the wall

    I’ve been actively seeking out some “wild” in areas you might least expect, and one of those was in a recently repaired wall. Previous years have seen the wall covered with a Virginia Creeper, with the leaves turning a vibrant red in the Autumn. The wall was recently replaced, which I assumed would be the…

  • Cutting the grass

    Cutting the grass

    Cutting the grass is one of those chores that few people enjoy, especially when the grass is on a steep slope in a prestigious area, visible to everyone who drives past. One group of residents resolved the need for cutting the grass opposite their crescent, by employing some more natural techniques to keep it looking tidy; they use…

  • Climbing up the window

    Climbing up the window

    I was wondering what my random act of wildness would be for today, when I spotted an insect on the outside of the window. Admittedly it’s not something you normally see from this angle, so it took me a while to figure out exactly what it was, but thanks to my book of wildlife, plus the…

  • Blue sky and fluffy white clouds

    Blue sky and fluffy white clouds

    There wasn’t much opportunity for “wild” today, so it’s a simple cloudscape from this evening. The day started off really cloudy and misty, but by the evening, there were patches of blue sky with a few wispy-looking clouds, mixing in with a contrail or two from planes which flew over a little while ago. #30dayswild

  • Daisy chain

    Daisy chain

    On my allotment, I’ve devoted one area to flowers; most of them are wild flowers from seed sown a year or two ago, but one in particular has taken a liking to that section, and grown larger than it ever has before. The Ox-eye daisy flower looks just like a normal daisy you’d find in the lawn,…