Category: Dragon Goes Wild

  • Bath time

    Bath time

    There’s a small stone bird bath in the garden – sometimes a Blackbird takes an enthusiastic bath where the water seems to fly everywhere as it flaps its wings, or a Robin might take a bath while another small bird bathes in the plant saucer we’ve put on the step at the base of the…

  • Birdwatching


    In the city centre, amidst all the hustle and bustle, there’s a nest box attached to the side of a church. Not the normal kind of nest box you’d attach to a fence or tree in the garden, and hope some Wrens might make themselves at home – this one is considerably larger! The nest box…

  • A sting in the tail?

    A sting in the tail?

    There was a unusual creature sitting on the towel hanging on the washing line this morning. I didn’t have a clue what it was, or how to even start identifying it. A quick search through the insect pages of the “British Wildlife” book proved fruitless, so I checked the UK Safari site. As with most searches, you…

  • Oh I do like to be beside the….

    Oh I do like to be beside the….

    No, I haven’t gone to the seaside today, but given the number of seagulls flying around and calling, it certainly sounds like I have! The seagulls have nested in the city centre for years, but recently have been driven out of the centre, in an attempt to save the tourists and locals from being ‘dive…

  • A Floral Rainbow

    A Floral Rainbow

    My inspiration today came from the 30 Day Wild app, which features 100 different wild ideas. A rainbow of wildlife sounded like fun, so taking my camera into the garden, I set out to find something in each colour of the rainbow…. which was harder than it sounds! Starting with red, and I was lucky…

  • Second day of wildness

    Second day of wildness

    You wouldn’t believe yesterday had been so cold and wet, when your see today’s bright sunny weather. And as luck would have it, the blue skies gave some perfect Buzzard-spotting opportunities! The last few birds I’ve spotted circling high in the sky, have been seagulls, so I was pleased to spot the local Buzzard circling…

  • A Charm of Goldfinches

    A Charm of Goldfinches

    I’ve noticed a couple of small birds flying around recently, but they never seem to sit still enough to be able to identify them! However, after they flew off the roof and zoomed past the window, they landed on the seed feeder in a nearby tree. Undeterred by the pigeon landing on the grass nearby…

  • It’s hardly ‘woodland’

    Something caught my attention as it flew past the window. I only spotted it out of the corner of my eye, so I wasn’t too sure what it was, but thankfully it decided to land on one of the plants in the garden for a bit of sunbathing! It chose the most colour co-ordinated plant…

  • A picturesque view

    Looking out of the window, there’s a lot of trees & bushes on the hill in the distance. Nothing unusual about that, apart from the colour of them – these aren’t green, but have a silvery white look to them. Curious to know what they are, I asked a relative, who dug out a book on hedgerows…

  • May Showers….

    If April showers bring May flowers, what do May thunderstorms bring? Yesterday started off nice and sunny, but the afternoon was a complete washout. What began as just a spit and spot of drizzle, turned into torrential rain and thunder – not the best weather to be out on foot! Despite the thunder, I didn’t spot any…