Happy Christmas!

What better photo for Christmas Day than the December 25th store?

Unfortunately December 25th closed down on Saturday December 23rd – I wonder how long it’ll take before another shop moves in, but I don’t think they’d be able to outdo the eye catching look of December 25th’s windows!

Jacks of Bath

It’s one of those shops you pass by without noticing as you head towards the Abbey, or maybe you stand in front of it to try and frame that classic Abbey photo without losing the top of the spire by standing too close.

But Jacks of Bath’s window display is worth a look, especially when it’s this Christmassy!

The Ivy

Admittedly this is one of the most challenging ‘shop fronts’ to take a photo of. You really need to stand in the middle of Milsom Street, but there’s hardly ever a suitable moment where there’s no traffic and no pedestrians to get that perfect shot!

Shadows in the window

At first you might think there’s nothing unusual about this photo, but then you realise that the “TR Hayes” writing is actually a shadow cast onto the settee, by the sign on the window pane!

A Seasonal Skeleton

Any frequent visitor to the Abbey Churchyard will no doubt recognise this skeleton, which is advertising for the Bizarre Bath evening walks. He’s been given a seasonal  look, with a small cross and a display of daffodils in the bike’s basket.