Bath Festival of Motoring 2015

Much like the previous year, we set out to walk up to the Festival of Motoring site as everyone was leaving on the second day.

I will admit I have made some assumptions on whether or not these cars were at the event, like the car below where I don’t think they would be driving on Lansdown Road if they hadn’t been at the event…

…but there were some which were pretty clear (like Herbie below) when the passenger waves out as I’m taking a photo!

The prize for most noticeable vehicle, has to go to this particular one though – the horn and flash of the massive light bar on the roof made me jump so much I’m amazed I have a clear photo!

These next two cars look fantastic for their age, and I love the informative signs in the window too!

I do have more photos from 2015 but you’ll have to head over to my next post for those, as I think this page would be getting a little too full otherwise!