Happy Christmas!

What better photo for Christmas Day than the December 25th store?

Unfortunately December 25th closed down on Saturday December 23rd – I wonder how long it’ll take before another shop moves in, but I don’t think they’d be able to outdo the eye catching look of December 25th’s windows!

Festive Scenes

If only the ‘sound and shot’ setting on my phone would let me transfer the sound to the computer, you could hear the carol singers in fine voice outside the Abbey.

Moving up through Bath, the Corridor’s lights are really effective, illuminating the way towards Union Street.

The Return of the Merry Go Round

Now the sheds have all been disassembled after the Christmas Market, the Merry Go Round has returned to its usual spot outside Primark. You’d think this would be an easy thing to get a photograph of, but trying to get a shot with no people standing in front is surprisingly challenging!

Christmas Market Residents’ Preview

The Christmas Market officially opens tomorrow, but they held a special residents’ preview this evening as a way of beating the crowds.

Because there are less sheds in the Abbey Churchyard this year, there’s much more space to stand and walk. That’s definitely an improvement on last year!

Abbey Churchyard
Abbey Green

Hot Bath Street
Hot Bath Street

Milsom Place

Milsom Place hasn’t had the best of luck this year, as several large restaurants have closed down. However, they have outdone themselves with their Christmas lights for 2018.

The Lights are On

And the red bauble lookalike suspended under the lights in Milsom Street looks a lot better now it’s lit!

Northumberland Place
Union Street
Looking down Stall Street
Stall Street looking down towards SouthGate

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

…or at least the Christmas lights are now (mostly) lit, apart from the rogue set of Christmas lights outside the “Min” which still seem to be in darkness.

Burton Street
Green Street

And I know it isn’t a photo of Christmas lights, but this is one of my favourite views to photograph in Bath. The palm trees in a garden opposite Camden Crescent seem to lend themselves to atmospheric photos looking across Bath.

The Lights are Up

The first thing that caught my eye was the red ball suspended under two of the lights in Milsom Street…. is it a basketball, or a flower, or maybe a bauble? Hopefully all will become clear(er) once the lights are switched on. 

And who needs the glow of Christmas lights when you can look from Camden Crescent and see the glow over the city like this?