Ten Tree Trail

I wondered why several Christmas trees had popped up in Bath over the last few days – they form the Ten Tree Trail which runs from November 20th until January 1st 2019. 

Each tree is decorated in the theme of a Christmas tune; if you can identify the tunes, then head over to the Ten Tree Trail site to enter the competition!

The decorations on the Saville Row tree didn’t show up too well in the dark, but would look great in daylight!

A Tour of the Christmas Market

Well, let’s rephrase that to a tour of part of the Christmas Market as I find it much easier to break it down into individual sections rather than trying to see every shed in one visit!

Starting off at York Street, with the frequently photographed view of the Roman Bath sign and the Abbey. Last year they illuminated the Tourist Information building, but it looks like the building has been left unlit this year (and of course the Tourist Information Centre has moved anyway).

Kananda usually catches the eye on the corner of York Street and the Abbey Churchyard, with their wonderful Paper Starlights.

Back to York Street, and The Silver Shed where Gemma has some stunning jewellery, and an equally eye catching display.

Some of the sheds are more wildly decorated than others! 

Pollyfields in Abbey Churchyard
Lavender Cottage in Milsom Street

I wasn’t quite sure which shed the dancing creature in Milsom Street belonged to until I got closer. Of course the Moose was with Pure Maple!

Jacks of Bath

It’s one of those shops you pass by without noticing as you head towards the Abbey, or maybe you stand in front of it to try and frame that classic Abbey photo without losing the top of the spire by standing too close.

But Jacks of Bath’s window display is worth a look, especially when it’s this Christmassy!

Christmas Market Residents’ Preview

The Christmas Market officially opens tomorrow, but they held a special residents’ preview this evening as a way of beating the crowds.

Because there are less sheds in the Abbey Churchyard this year, there’s much more space to stand and walk. That’s definitely an improvement on last year!

Abbey Churchyard
Abbey Green

Hot Bath Street
Hot Bath Street

The Ivy

Admittedly this is one of the most challenging ‘shop fronts’ to take a photo of. You really need to stand in the middle of Milsom Street, but there’s hardly ever a suitable moment where there’s no traffic and no pedestrians to get that perfect shot!

Milsom Place

Milsom Place hasn’t had the best of luck this year, as several large restaurants have closed down. However, they have outdone themselves with their Christmas lights for 2018.

The Lights are On

And the red bauble lookalike suspended under the lights in Milsom Street looks a lot better now it’s lit!

Northumberland Place
Union Street
Looking down Stall Street
Stall Street looking down towards SouthGate